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ELTROLL Троллейбусный сайт
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       If you are repairing, operating, servicing trolleybuses or just wondering how it all works, then this site is for you.

       A trolleybus (also known as trolley bus, trolley coach, trackless trolley, trackless tram [in early years] or trolley is an electric bus that draws power from overhead wires (generally suspended from roadside posts) using spring-loaded trolley poles. Two wires and poles are required to complete the electrical circuit. This differs from a tram or streetcar, which normally uses the track as the return path, needing only one wire and one pole (or pantograph). They are also distinct from other kinds of electric buses, which usually rely on batteries. Power is most commonly supplied as 600-volt direct current, but there have been, and are, exceptions.
       Currently, around 300 trolleybus systems are in operation, in cities and towns in 43 countries. Altogether, more than 800 trolleybus systems have existed, but not more than about 400 concurrently.
New materials
  •       07.02.2018 г.   Program Cuneiform

           CuneiForm is a system developed for transforming the electronic copies of paper documents and image files into an editable form without changing the structure and the original document fonts in automatic or semi-automatic mode. The system includes two components for single and batch processing of electronic documents.

  • Content of article:
    • What Are Specific Data Streams in a Complex Transportation Control System?
      • Controlling Transportation and Supplying Data Regarding Its State to the Passengers.
      • Passenger Information Data and Transportation Control Data Preparation.
      • Data Regarding Passenger Check-in.
      • Additional systems for transportation.
    • Technical Devices Used for Communication in the System.
    • Overview of Communications inside Vehicles and with Vehicles.
    • What Is the Solution Considering the Current Development of Vehicle Data Communication?
    • Conclusion.

  • Content of article:
    • Displaying Czech characters on LED and LCD panels.
    • Outer information LED panels (tableaus).
    • Inner LED panels (displays).
    • Inner LCD panels for passengers.
    • Combined side LED/LCD panels (LED-outer/LCD-inner).
    • Course number indicators.
    • Basic features of direction indicators (LED/LCD panels) in public transportation vehicles.

  •       06.28.2018 г.   Trolleybus Skoda 25Tr Irisbus.

           Photos of units and blocks of a trolleybus

  •       06.25.2018 г.   Trolleybus Skoda 25Tr Irisbus. Booklet

           General description and main technical characteristics of the trolleybus.

  •       06.25.2018 г.   Trolleybus Skoda 25Tr Irisbus

           General description of the trolleybus, driver's cab,layout of the passenger compartment, view of the trolley bus from behind, main technical characteristics, schematic drawing, electrical equipment on the roof of the trolleybus, equipment in the driver's cab.

  •       06.23.2018 г.   Transport terminals and smart stops

    Content of article:
    • The history of the development of information panels and systems in our company.
    • Types of produced information panels.

  •       06.21.2018 г.   Single Color Graphic LED Stop Panels

    Content of article:
    • Basic properties of single color graphic LED panels.
    • Graphic information LED panels for large junctions – the ELP 302 series.
    • Graphic information stop panels – the ELP 31x series.
      • Electronic information LED panels – 5-line with a clock – the ELP 310 series.
      • Electronic information LED panels – 3-line with a clock – the ELP 311 series.
      • Electronic information LED panels – 3-line – the ELP 15x series.
    • Graphic information departure LED panels –the ELP 320 series.
    • Graphic information LED stop panels – the ELP 330 series.
    • Historic graphic information LED panels.

  •       06.18.2018 г.   Digital Stop Signs (single-color)

    Content of article:
    • Built-in graphic LED digital stop signs – the ELP 10x series.
    • Stop signs displaying arrival times – the ELP 13x series.
    • Stop signs supplemented with an information panel – the ELP 15x series.
    • Small graphic information stop LED panels – the ELP 16x series.

  •       06.17.2018 г.   Checking system – EPIS 5x

    Content of article:
    • The concept of municipal checking.
    • The concept of check in on public transport
    • Information and checking system layout in public transportation vehicles.
    • General properties of the EPIS 5 checking systems.

  • The company Ing. Ivo Herman, CSc. proposes:
    • on the dispatcher side and others workplace in public transport – traffic management and position monitoring with SW SPRINTER 2014;
    • on the communication site – our solution with “hybrid” private radio communication network and technology (also radio exchange) or GSM/GPRS/UMTS (3G) and LTE;
    • on the side of “intelligent vehicles” – new board computer EPIS 4.0A, EPIS 5FC and MSP 5.0 and driver LCD terminal, internal and external sings, cameras systems, automatic point switching, tachograph, ….);
    • on the depot side - uploading data into devices in vehicles and their downloading (reading logs, blacklist, whitelist, fare collection data, etc.);
    • on the stationary intelligent internal or external LED and LCD signs - communication with dispatching centre, vehicles, sightless people, cameras, etc.;
    • on the transport routes and their administration - automatic point switching, crossroad preferences, point, advertising depend on time and position, etc.).

  •       06.15.2018 г.   The trolleybuses Skoda 8Tr

           General description of the trolleybus, driver's cab, passenger compartment, outline drawing, main technical characteristics, cab and trolley control panel.

  •       06.13.2018 г.   EPIS 5 FCC compact on-board computer

    Content of article:
    • General properties of the EPIS 5 FCC compact on-board computer with check-in.
    • Parameters of the on-board computer with checking – EPIS 5 FC.
    • Configuration EPIS 5 FC.
    • Mechanic rendering.
    • Recommended vehicle installation

  •       06.12.2018 г.   Ways of contfoling the EPIS 5 FCC

    Content of article:
    • The Initial Screen of the EPIS 5 FCC.
    • The Public Transportation Ticket Sale Screen.
    • The Regional Public Transportation Ticket without Connection Sale Screen.
    • The Regional Public Transportation Ticket with Connection Sale Screen.
    • The Route Screen.

  •       06.11.2018 г.   On-Board Computers of the EPIS 4.0X Series

    Content of article:
    • On-board computers of the EPIS 4.0x series – a new perspective on vehicle informatics.
    • Basic properties of EPIS 4.0X on-board computers.
    • Vehicles with EPIS 4.0x on-board computers.

  •        This article describes a solution of a complex information system for public transportation that provides control of dispatching, vehicles, depots and intelligent stops. This system has already been successfully installed and the Herman company keeps developing and innovating it. Now also a solution for integrated transportation systems is being prepared.

  •       06.03.2018 г.   Troleybus Skoda 7Tr

           General description of the trolleybus, driver's cab, passenger compartment, schematic drawing, main technical characteristics, trolleybus units.

  •       06.01.2018 г.   Booklet of Ing. Ivo Herman, CSc company

           The Ing. Ivo Herman, CSc. company was founded on 1.5.1990 for the purposes of producing and developing specialized electronic products with links to previously realized significant projects. The central program of the company consists of proposing and realizing electronic products from the fields of processing acoustic signals, high-frequency technology, database information and control systems, telecommunication systems; and trading activities. Regarding the above mentioned fields the company offers its customers a complex approach to the problems they want to have solved.

  •       05.13.2018 г.   Trolleybus BKM 43303A

           General description of the trolleybus, layout of the passenger compartment, main technical characteristics.

  •       05.12.2018 г.   Trolleybus BKM 42003D

           General description of the trolleybus, layout of the passenger compartment, main technical characteristics.

  •       05.10.2018 г.   Customer magazine SOLARIS. 2/2017

           This magazine presents articles and photos about trolleybuses and other products of the company SOLARIS.

  •       05.09.2018 г.   New Concepts for Trolley Buses in Sweden

           This report contains a survey of new concepts for trolleybuses developed by various manufacturers in Germany, France, Italy and Czech Republic.

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